“Welcome to my world, where art takes the form of no boundaries. From different mediums and different forms of design, my art is a reflection of my creative process and my desire to challenge the norm”

Sukhdeep, known for her brand SKALSI, is a Toronto based designer and multidisciplinary artist that has developed a passion for creating wearable art, while also becoming aware of the detrimental impacts of fast fashion. She is hopeful of becoming a part of the solution to the problem by individually handcrafted one-of-one pieces, ensuring high quality and long-lasting apparel. From creating products through recycled textile to researching sustainable materials, Sukhdeep find inspirations from existing products and strives to make each piece unique and comfortable to each body.

Sukhdeep’s commitment to slow fashion is illustrated through her custom designs & small-scale handmade collections. By integrating her creative vision and her dedication to sustainability, she continues to strive towards achieving a more environmentally conscious future.

Lets work together.